Quick Tips

Do your pup’s floppy ears get dragged through his wet food, leaving them sticky and messy? Here’s your answer–scrunchies! Pull his little ears up over his head and secure them gently with a ladies’ hair scrunchie. Not too tight! Problem solved. You’re welcome!Β  πŸ™‚

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Now and thenΒ your pet may experience constipation. An easy, organic, non-drug treatment is to add plain canned pumpkin to her diet. Mix it right into her food. Pets typically like the taste and won’t refuse it, which makes this treatment a breeze. Use sparingly, however, so not to cause diarrhea. Plain canned pumpkin is available at pet stores or your favorite grocery.

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Is your adolescent kitten being rowdy and rambunctious? Wish he’d stop and take a nap? Put a dab of butter on your finger and point it at him. He’ll be curious and come running. When he tastes the butter, he’ll lick it from your finger. Then he’ll go curl up somewhere comfy to wash his face. Next thing you know, he’s sound asleep. Easy as butter.

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Trying to catch a dog that’s running loose? First, stop chasing him! Sit on the ground facing sideways from him, and yawn really really big. Make sure he sees you yawn, but don’t look right at him.Β Stay sideways. This tells the dog you are not a threat, so he’ll stop running. Now rattle a box of dog treats, and you have a new best friend, safe and sound off the streets.

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Do you want your home to smell SUPER fresh and be ultra clean so that folks can’t even tell you have pets? Then you MUST try this Nature’s Miracle product. Β Click here to view and purchase. Β Use it on carpeting, furniture, bedding, tile grout, everywhere!Β After decades of pet rescue and searching for something that really does work, this is it. I swear by it, really I do!

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Chronic inflammation makes your pet old and sickly way before his time. Curcumin is hands-down the most effective treatment against inflammation, and your pet should never be without it. Protect his health, starting when he is young, to keep him active and strong through all his life. Click this link to view and purchase. Β Ask your veterinarian about proper dosage.

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Would YOU drink that?!? Wash with soap and refill their water dish TWO TIMES EVERY DAY. Use this dandy little soap-dispensing brush. Click here to view and purchase. Takes 20 seconds to freshen their water dish and kill germs–No Excuses!Β 

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The very best way to communicate with your pet is through your body language.Β No hollering, scolding, clapping, or angry outbursts are needed.Β They are not effective, nor are they beneficial to the pet or you. Just stay calm and use your body. Read the full article atΒ The Quiet Teacher.

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Your dog is like a little toddler–she doesn’t know what you want until you teach her. Teach her with love, encouragement, patience, and fun–not anger. You want to build trust, not tear it apart.


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Help your senior pet feel more alive by the simple act of massaging her. Use a super soft bristle brush–you want to massage her, not comb her, from head to toe. This stimulates nerve endings and she’ll feel refreshed and new.Β Read the full article atΒ Keep Your Senior Young At Heart.


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Spay/Neuter, Spay/Neuter, Spay/Neuter, Spay/Neuter, Spay/Neuter, Spay/Neuter.

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Attach your dog’s leash to his harness, not his collar, to protect his delicate throat from damage by pulling. A collapsed trachea is very painful, very expensive to treat, and not usually fixable. The pet ends up losing his quality of health and life, but the simple act of using a harness can prevent that. Read the full article at Woah Nellie! Harness or Collar?Β 

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He can’t focus with built-up, unused energy. You can spend all day long trying to train him, but until you help him burn off that energy, he can’t even hear you. Walk your dog, play fetch with him, swim, wrestle, whatever,Β EVERY DAYΒ and he’ll become more attentive and teachable.

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If the pavement is too hot for YOUR feet, it’s too hot for HERS!Β  Put booties on her feet, or keep her inside till early morning when the pavement has cooled down overnight. Read the full article atΒ Pavement Too Hot For Her Tootsies?Β Β 

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You are her companion, her teacher, her everything. Don’t put her outside and ignore her.

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Does your kitty dig in your houseplants? Does your dog dig in the yard? Stop digging in its tracks without scolding and frustration–just sprinkle pepper in the dirt. That’s it–problem solved.

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God Bless and Happy Pet Parenting!

With love and good wishes,
jeannie.Β  Β πŸ™‚

About jeannie:Β  I’ve been pro-actively involved in pet rescue all of my life. I founded Milagro Senior Pet RefugeΒ© (Phoenix) in 1998, and BareFootPets (TM) in 2008.Β  Animal welfare has always been and will always be my heart’s work. If my only legacy is that I save a handful of precious souls that would not survive otherwise, I’m good with that.