“Strange Pet Fellows.”
Not All “Pets” Live Indoors. Most of my posts are focused on indoor domesticated pets. For this post, I thought it would be fun to change it up a bit and spotlight some of the …
Not All “Pets” Live Indoors. Most of my posts are focused on indoor domesticated pets. For this post, I thought it would be fun to change it up a bit and spotlight some of the …
A Valuable Tip From Bandit. This post is a throwback to an earlier post on the same topic (Upside of Pet Steps and Ramps), with some helpful added information. All dogs in general are prone …
Angel Sitters Are Hard To Come By. I once had a petsitter from Heaven. My pets loved her and she loved them. She followed instructions for their feedings and medications, she was always on time, …
Well, here I sit at home, self-quarantined because I woke up today with a sore throat and swollen glands. My employer has already closed the office and we’re all tele-working at home for the foreseeable …
Planning Ahead And Winding Down. All my life I’ve rescued animals. I’m hard-wired for it. It’s all I know. Couldn’t stop if I tried. And that’s my dilemma. Having devoted the best and most years …
The Promise ~ You And Me Forever. In an earlier post, I talked about the “It” factor — that moment that can sometimes happen in pet owners’ lives when they stop calling their beloved pet …
What Is “IT”? “IT” is what people call their pets when they stop loving them. When their hearts make a shift from loving their pet unconditionally as a treasured family member to feeling inconvenienced by …