Take Control Of Your Pet’s High Energy
Some breeds of cats and dogs are naturally more high-energy than others. For example, it is said that Boxers “never grow up.” They are perpetually young and rambunctious, even in old age. And, without the …
Some breeds of cats and dogs are naturally more high-energy than others. For example, it is said that Boxers “never grow up.” They are perpetually young and rambunctious, even in old age. And, without the …
None Of Us Has The Luxury Of Time. Especially not the pets locked away on death row in high-kill shelters, with the clock quickly ticking, and not the rescuers trying to figure out how to …
Do You Have Someone On Your Christmas Shopping List Who’s Difficult To Buy For? Pretty much everyone has that one challenging person to gift at Christmas. It may be your neighbors whom you don’t know …
“The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being. The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of …
How It All Began. God created the heavens, the earth, and the animal world first (Genesis 1:25). Then He created man and assigned us dominion over the animal world (Genesis 1:26). Nowhere in these verses …
My Thoughts On Several Books Suggesting Shelter Pet Rescue Is Driven By Racism And White Supremacy. Yes, You Heard That Right. Some very unfortunate writings have come to my attention, writings by authors who appear …
A Broader Perspective. When we talk about animal rescue, most of us think automatically of cats and dogs – kind of the way it’s always been. But animal rescue also includes birds, lizards, bunnies, ferrets, …