Check Your Pet’s Blood Pressure!
Check Your Pet’s Blood Pressure! But why? It isn’t routinely done, so what’s the big deal? Well, let me say I found out the hard way. And it’s a tough pill to swallow, seeing every …
Check Your Pet’s Blood Pressure! But why? It isn’t routinely done, so what’s the big deal? Well, let me say I found out the hard way. And it’s a tough pill to swallow, seeing every …
The Unchosen. It’s a statistical fact that pets with black fur get left behind. Doesn’t matter if it’s a good dog or the perfect kitty — they don’t get chosen. People tend to pass right …
Answering The Call Let’s talk about the age-old question of whether to buy from a breeder or adopt from a shelter? Following is my humble but heartfelt two cents’ worth. Heads-up, my perspective comes from …
Calming Your Frightened Dog. Here’s a quick blurb on how to calm your dog when she’s fearful. There are many effective ways that people have good luck with; this is a way I have found …
Stepping In For Her Mama. You just found a stray puppy or kitten, or maybe you’ve just adopted a newly weened puppy or kitten from a shelter or breeder. Now what do you do?! Either …
Here’s The Scenario: Your neighbor is neglecting his dog. He leaves her out in the yard 24/7, in all kinds of bad weather, no shelter, no bedding, no toys, water dish is empty, pigeons are …
Losing Her Hurt So Much. First, let me say God Bless You for sharing your heart with an animal whose very existence depended on you. “I don’t think I could ever love another pet–it just …