Both Sides Of The Fireworks.
Reveler or Pet Owner? Every year, July 4th begs the discussion about pets and fireworks. It is common knowledge that animals are frightened by fireworks and, as a direct result of that fear, too often …
Reveler or Pet Owner? Every year, July 4th begs the discussion about pets and fireworks. It is common knowledge that animals are frightened by fireworks and, as a direct result of that fear, too often …
Angel Sitters Are Hard To Come By. I once had a petsitter from Heaven. My pets loved her and she loved them. She followed instructions for their feedings and medications, she was always on time, …
RE-POST FROM ASPCA BLOG (Apr 29 2020) Hi All. The following content and graphics are shared here from a blog post created and distributed by the ASPCA. I found it to be very clear and …
Well, here I sit at home, self-quarantined because I woke up today with a sore throat and swollen glands. My employer has already closed the office and we’re all tele-working at home for the foreseeable …
Planning Ahead And Winding Down. All my life I’ve rescued animals. I’m hard-wired for it. It’s all I know. Couldn’t stop if I tried. And that’s my dilemma. Having devoted the best and most years …
Author Jim Willis, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2001 When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and …
Reminder: Clean Clean Clean The Water Dish! Hi All! So this post is a shout back to an early-on post I did about the critical importance of clean clean clean water for your pet. In …