
genesis, pauly, and santana
Sharing What This Rescuer Has Learned.

Hey All! Thank you for visiting BareFootPets!  If you’re like me, you’re over-the-moon in love with your pets. They’re family ~ your best friend ~ better than most people. You’ll do whatever it takes to give them a safe, happy, healthy, long life. And you’re looking for all the good tips you can find to make sure you get it right. Well, here are some pearls of wisdom that I’m tickled to share with you. Simple, inexpensive, but important little things you can do now that will protect your pet and help avoid trouble down the road later. It’s like my mom told me when I was little–”Ignore your teeth, Jeannie Kay, they’ll go away.” Even though I was barely in grade school at the time, I understood exactly what she meant!

First-Hand Experience Can Offer The Best Advice.

With all the great stuff I’ve learned firsthand, up close and personal on the front lines of pet rescue over the last few decades, I should be sharing it far and wide. So I’m dedicating my happy little blog to all you pet lovers and your furry friends to offer you support, encouragement, and to help you give your pets the best life possible! If you start your pet out healthy and happy and keep him that way throughout his life, chances are infinitely greater that he’ll always be with you and never end up in a shelter without you because of a health issue or behavioral issue that could have been avoided way back in the beginning.

Please Enjoy These Tips In The Spirit Of Love And Care That They Are Given.

Note: the pieces of advice I offer in this blog have worked reliably and consistently for me in my decades of pet rescue, but they are not absolutes. You won’t only succeed or fail by following them to the letter. What they will do is alert you to potential hazards maybe you weren’t aware of, guide you toward giving your pet optimal care you may not have known to give, and mostly just point you in the right direction to be the best doggone pet parent around.  Read my posts, consider the suggestions given, and ultimately decide what works for you and your pet’s specific needs.  🙂

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God Bless and Happy Pet Parenting!

With love and good wishes,
jeannie.   ?

About jeannie:  I’ve been pro-actively involved in pet rescue all of my life. I founded Milagro Senior Pet Refuge© (Phoenix) in 1998, and BareFootPets (TM) in 2008.  Animal welfare has always been and will always be my heart’s work. If my only legacy is that I save a handful of precious souls that would not survive otherwise, I’m good with that.