LitterBox Is A Dirty Word.

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If your kitty isn’t using her litterbox, you need to explore the reasons why. First, take her to the vet for a wellness exam. If the vet rules out any medical reason for kitty’s behavior, then chances are you need to make a change. Let’s figure out what that change might be.

Is the Kitty Being Picked On By Other Pets in Your House?

Typical practice is to put the litterbox in a corner out of the way. But there’s more to consider. Look closely at the relationships between all your kitties. If one cat bullies another, the one being bullied most likely won’t use the litterbox for fear the bully cat is going to jump him, and he’s probably right. If you put your litterbox in a corner or a small space, he’s going to get ambushed, and he knows it. So he figures better to not use the litterbox at all. If, on the other hand, you place the litterbox strategically so he has TWO forms of exit, then he can get safely away from the bully and won’t be afraid to use the litterbox anymore. I put my pets’ litterbox up on a long table with pet steps positioned at both ends. My kitties can come and go easily and quickly from both ends – they feel confident when they use the litterbox that they’re not trapped if the bully cat comes along at that moment.

Some litterboxes come with lids, because conventional knowledge says cats like privacy. This is true, but your cat becomes even more vulnerable to that pesky bully kitty because a lid reduces her getaway options even more. Out of fear, she probably will just stop using the litterbox altogether. Also, lids make it hard for the cat to turn around or move freely while trying to do her business. It’s just too cramped in there. She may avoid it for that reason alone. Do away with the lid.

Maybe Kitty Just Doesn’t Like the Litter?

Another reason kitties avoid their litterbox is they don’t like the litter. It may be the scent she doesn’t like, or the texture. So try a new brand – there’s lots out there to choose from. After years and years of experimenting, one that has become our favorite is “The World’s Best Cat Litter.” It’s natural, corn-based, doesn’t give off dust clouds like clay litter, so it’s MUCH better for the kitty’s health – and yours – not to be breathing that toxic dust cloud. It’s lighter weight, neutralizes odor well, clumps well, sticks less, and cleans up more easily than clay. An all-around ideal choice, one your cat will approve of. But do your own experimenting – kitty will let you know which one she likes, and that’s what’s important.

The LitterBox May Be Too Cramped for Her.

Way more often that folks realize, a standard size litterbox just isn’t big enough. I’ve found that my cats prefer something bigger where they can turn around freely and their little butt doesn’t hang over the edge. I use clear plastic storage bins by Rubbermaid or Sterilite – you can find them at Target, Walmart, Ace Hardware, etc. The sides are a little higher than conventional litterboxes, which is awesome because it helps to minimize tracking, so much less mess. Kitty can get in there and have fun just happily digging around, which is her nature to do. Plus, Rubbermaid and Sterilite bins are WAY more affordable than litterboxes.

Are You Doing Your Important Part To Keep It Clean?

Finally, the number one reason cats don’t use litterboxes is you’re not keeping it clean. Cats like to be clean–they don’t want to be stepping in their own poop and pee anymore than you do. Don’t be a lazy pet owner–clean your cat’s litterbox twice a day, more if needed, like in multi-cat homes. But at least twice a day. It takes only a minute or two, probably less time than it takes you to clean up their messes outside the box, so no excuse to avoid the chore. It’s part of good pet parenting, and the payoff is more than worth the effort. Your kitty will happily go back to using the litterbox so you won’t be cleaning up “accidents” around the house anymore, the house will smell much better, and everyone will be happy happy joy joy. A win-win for you and your cat.  🙂

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God Bless and Happy Pet Parenting!

With love and good wishes,
jeannie.   ?

About jeannie:  I’ve been pro-actively involved in pet rescue all of my life. I founded Milagro Senior Pet Refuge© (Phoenix) in 1998, and BareFootPets (TM) in 2008.  Animal welfare has always been and will always be my heart’s work. If my only legacy is that I save a handful of precious souls that would not survive otherwise, I’m good with that.