Help Reform Your Local Animal Shelter

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Shelters Are Not Held Accountable.

Right now, many if not most shelters across the country still take the lazy path to sheltering by (1) allowing the rescue of pets from euthanasia (kill) lists to fall on the shoulders of outside pet rescue organizations, and (2) killing the majority of animals who end up in their facility, even though most of them are totally adoptable. Many shelters kill literally 70-80 percent or more of the animals they take in. This is a catastrophic failure because rescue organizations are limited in their resources and ability to recruit volunteer fosters on little-to-no notice, nor do they always have funds on-hand to pay exorbitant shelter fees to pull animals to safety. Also, it’s not rescue organizations’ responsibility to take on the shelter’s job in the first place. Rescue organizations can support, but not take over, the city and county shelters’ assigned mission of animal care and control.

Shelters Choose to Kill First.

As well, shelters also very shrewdly label healthy, adoptable pets as “unadoptable” for fake reasons, such as “behavioral,” “fearful,” “snotty nose,” etc., to justify killing innocent animals rather than try to find safe loving homes for them. These shocking, illicit tactics by shelter administrators who still operate under outdated policies to justify killing are unforgivable and need to change – NOW – before another precious animal’s life is extinguished.

Demand Enforcement of Compassionate Care.

I am a big supporter of The No Kill Advocacy, whose mission is to bring outdated animal welfare laws and practices into this century and to hold shelters accountable for adherence to new compassionate policies. The No Kill Advocacy truly advocates for animal welfare by (1) teaching shelter administrators how to do away with euthanasia as the first choice for pet population control, thereby becoming actual no-kill facilities, and (2) teaching the general public how to speak up and hold shelters accountable.

Use Your Voice for Shelter Animal Welfare.

You can tap into The No Kill Advocacy movement tutorial page by CLICKING HERE. Their tutorials should answer all your questions and guide you easily toward helping to save precious animals who just want to keep their lives. Once caring people really start pushing en masse for accountability in pet sheltering, the tables will start to turn and animals will be spared the “death walk” in these hell holes. No effort is too small or insignificant. Be part of the change!